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Customer feedback on Unit4 and its services partners to drive innovation

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In times of disinformation, COVID-19 and a potential recession, we believe transparency will win out.

How many of us now look to customer reviews to find the truth behind a hotel or restaurant on TripAdvisor, or books on Goodreads, or the next lockdown boxset on IMDB? I know I do. The reviewers have already been in your shoes, and we can learn from what we hope is their non-biased opinion.

We embrace this kind of transparency at Unit4. We already have a robust employee feedback platform in place so we can learn from them what is working and what isn’t, and then innovate to give them a great experience.

Unit4 and partners under the customer spotlight

In July last year, we extended this type of feedback loop to the customers of our implementation services through Raven Intel. Raven helps customers make a data-driven decision about a services implementation partner through independent peer reviews and validated data. We have have been delighted with the results.

  • Average satisfaction on implementation 8.4 vs 7.1 of the industry
  • 18% more projects are delivered on time compared to the industry
  • The quality of Unit4 consultants and partners is rated 4.5 out of 5

Buyers of B2B technology have to make pressurized decisions about significant investments, but it isn’t just about the financial investment in software. When it comes to implementation services, many ingredients lead to a successful project – the quality of consultants, responsiveness to change and the process itself. And of course, the sooner you go live, the sooner you get the value in your technology investment. Our use of publicly available Raven feedback from customers has made the decision a little easier for our prospective and existing clients.  

With that in mind, we have gone a step further and asked service partners to get input from their customers as well.

Benefits to all

This transparency makes it much easier for our customers to find the perfect consulting partner for their particular needs.

Early results suggest the community is already performing to a very high standard, with Net Promoter Scores (NPS) being 8 or more out of 10, for nearly 60 percent of partners. However, with clear performance statistics, each consulting partner, and Unit4 itself, will be more accountable, encouraging an even greater drive to improve both individually and as a collective.

It will help us all look at areas where we could improve, but also promote the things that we do well so we can win more business.

Unit4 is in business for people, and we place a high emphasis on improving the experience of our employees. So it has been great to see our customers praise specific consultants on the Raven platform. The additional recognition motivates them and positively impacts the whole team to new heights.

Giving peace of mind in stressful times

Raven is beginning to work well for our partners and has already been positive for our own services teams and our hard-working consultants. I think it would be a blessing for any customer trying to make a big decision at any time. But right now, when every buck counts, it is the right move, not just for us, but also for them – a truly virtuous circle.

We will keep you up-to-date with progress on the results. You can check out what is going on live at any time right here.

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James Shand

James Shand

Global Head of Cloud Transformation My background is in leading the efforts of major global businesses to better understand and deliver on their customers’ needs. Die Zufriedenheit und der Erfolg unserer Kunden sind entscheidend für das weitere Wachstum und den Erfolg von Unit4 und unterstützen uns in unserem Ziel, eine bessere Benutzererfahrung im Hinblick auf Unternehmenssoftware zu schaffen. Ich freue mich über die Gelegenheit, diese Transformation zu leiten und die notwendige Organisation aufzubauen, um Unit4 Kunden an allen Berührungspunkten zu unterstützen und zu begeistern. Neben meiner Arbeit bin ich ein leidenschaftlicher Motorsport-Fan verbringe gerne Zeit mit meiner Familie in Großbritannien und Südafrika.

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