Get your regular slice of Unit4 culture!
Listen to inspiring stories and insights on the latest industry trends – anywhere, anytime!

"Inspiration4U" is the regular Unit4 podcast, designed to enable and foster a culture of growth, knowledge-building and information-sharing across all our communities – through short, bite-sized, on-demand listening.
Podcasts enlarge worlds...
They allow us to hear stories from people we might never otherwise meet. They can introduce us to different perspectives.
Listeners can enjoy the podcast in their own time: in the car, at the home office, at work, at home, working out, anywhere, anytime!
Through Inspiration4U, any number of individuals or groups can share their stories and perspectives.
These sessions can be based on a wide range of subjects – from our products, cultural differences, services and solutions, news, trends, and developments that are close to our customers and their industries, right through to topics that our people are interested in and passionate about.