Our social responsibility approach
Caring for the world around us

Technology for a better world
We have an opportunity and responsibility to ensure that technology creates benefits for people and the planet.
We have a role to play in helping solve the world's challenges and recognize that we are just in the early stages of this journey. Together with professionals, public servants and nonprofits doing good in the world, we strive to build an inclusive and sustainable society.

Our focus to put people and planet first
Reflecting the people-first approach Unit4 lives by every day, our approach strongly aligns with the UN Sustainable Development Goals — the world's best plan to build a better world for people and our planet by 2030.
We focus on three key areas in which we strive to make a true difference as a cloud software company through our actions: education and employability through digital skills and inclusion, health and well-being, climate change and environmental sustainability: UN SGDs 3,4,12 and 13.
Our sustainability commitments
for people, communities and planet
To embed sustainability in our business operations, we have defined our key commitments.
You can read more details in our Sustainability Report

EcoVadis Sustainability Rating
In 2024, we have been awarded the EcoVadis bronze medal, in recognition of sustainability achievement.
Our Unit4 Forest is growing – we plant thousands of native trees around the world
With our customers’ help, Unit4 has created a program for financing small agroforestry projects that bring both environmental and social benefits. We give trees planted in Asia, Africa and South America in the name of every customer, both existing and new, with whom we sign a deal. Our thousands of trees will grow, absorb CO2, and encourage local biodiversity and economy!
Unit4 and Human Rights

Unit4 respects the human rights of all individuals and groups that may be affected by our operations - this includes employees, customers, and suppliers. Unit4 has a zero-tolerance policy in relation to slavery and human trafficking and is committed to acting ethically and with integrity in all our business dealings and relationships. Unit4 has created policies and processes to ensure compliance, and through careful observance of these internal policies and processes, we are committed to ensuring that there are no human rights violations taking place in any part of our business. If you would like to get in touch with us to ask questions or report anything related to the Norwegian Transparency Act, then please use our enquiry form
The "Unit4 Human rights report 2022" is available to read.
Our movement to do good, led by our people
We dedicate 1% of our time to giving back, enabling all our employees to engage in community actions for causes they care about. Act4Good is a way for everyone at Unit4 to come together to positively impact society and our wider communities: volunteering, fundraising and challenges with social and environmental purpose!
Our focus on STEM education
Unit4 is an iamtheCODE supporter
Unit4 is committed to investing toward the creation of social and environmental value, supporting charities and investing in local communities. We are proud to partner with iamtheCODE, to support its programs and activities with funds, time and skills of our people through mentoring and pro-bono giving, and mobilization of the Unit4 community at large.
The first African-led global movement to mobilize governments, the private sector, philanthropic foundations, investors and civil society to advance STEAMED (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Mathematics, Entrepreneurship and Design) education, iamtheCODE aims to enable 1 million young women and girl coders by 2030. Through technology and digital literacy training, they are tackling the current global STEAMED skills shortage in marginalized communities.
Lady Mariéme Jamme
Founder of iamtheCODE
We are delighted to partner with Unit4.
With its presence in the technology sector, the digital skills of its people, and its alignment to the United Nations’ 17 Sustainable Development Goals, our partnership offers multiple ways of collaboration. Its contribution will help us drive urgent change for girls from refugee camps, and allow them to have internet data, food & computers