Cloud financial planning & analysis (FP&A) software
Plan smarter.
Forecast reliably.
Report accurately.
Choose a high-value integrated FP&A solution with low total cost of ownership. Save time consolidating financial data and free yourself from an over-reliance on spreadsheets. Better integrate strategy with operations. Navigate uncertainty with agile and complete financial analysis, using a single source of truth for more timely data-driven decisions

Trusted by

Trusted data and a single source of truth
A flexible cloud FP&A solution
Get smarter planning, budgeting, forecasting, reporting & financial analysis. Gain efficiency and flexibility for your teams to work together. Make better decisions, faster and focus on your "core business". Reduce upgrade costs with faster innovation and digital transformation.

Combining Unit4 ERP with FP&A
Seamlessly align operational, strategic and financial planning. Improve visibility and decision-making with a single source of truth. Raise productivity through best practices and automation. Lower operating costs by unifying processes and integrating systems.

Navigate financial planning challenges
Utilize FP&A tools to consolidate data from different sources. Shorten planning cycles and gain better visibility & control. Centralize data collection and planning. Adapt plans at short notice.

Apply enhanced analysis and dashboarding
Integrate data from different sources. View numbers across actuals, plans and forecast. Drill down to identify root causes and dependencies. Track performance across key strategic drivers. Save time with automated financial analysis.

Improve cross-functional people planning
Sharpen focus with more granular employee-level planning. Broaden insights by expanding workforce analytics. Plan end to end across your workforce, finances and operations.

Gain a single financial consolidation and financial analysis system
Easily consolidate financial data by integrating with ERP systems. Deliver consistency for consolidators, auditors, FP&A and leadership. Save time and resources needed for group reporting. Meet accountancy standards across complex organizational structures.

Regain control, compliance & transparency for IFRS 16
Collect, structure and document existing and future leasing contracts. Connect ERP and FP&A with consolidation systems. Gain greater insights on leasing contracts on balance sheet, P&L and KPIs. Explore more scenarios using simulations, analysis, and visualizations.

Prepare for mandatory ESG Reporting
Work in one place to collect, analyze and report ESG data. Support compliance with statutory reporting requirements. Do better by making more-informed decisions for positive environmental and social impacts.

FP&A solutions designed for your role and industry
Chief Financial Officers (CFOs)
Discover how Unit4 FP&A provides CFOs with a robust single source of truth for better decision-making, business partnerships and service offerings.

Financial Planning & Analysis Managers
Explore how FP&A Managers can gain a clearer view of the organization's financial health and drive greater collaboration with other teams.

CIOs and IT Directors
See how Chief Information Officers and their teams of IT professionals can equip their organization to thrive in a digital-first world.

Professional Service Firms
Our FP&A solution helps professional service firms to focus on projects, while supporting better financial planning and impactful decision-making.

Public Sector Organizations
Unit4 provides the tools for public sector organizations to plan strategically, report on performance, identify issues, scenario plan and adapt to change.

Nonprofit Organizations
Our solutions help nonprofits deliver on their mission by maximizing available funding, building greater trust, and being able to make decisions with precision.

#1 rated FP&A software by many industry analysts
The Planning Survey 2024
Unit4 FP&A’s stellar performance in BARC The Planning Survey 2024 reaffirms our position as a top performer in the realm of planning software. With 4 top rankings and 16 leading positions across various criteria, Unit4 FP&A continues to set the standard for excellence in FP&A solutions.

EPM Market Study 2024
Dresner’s annual EPM Market Study marks Unit4 FP&A as an "Overall Leader" for Customer Experience, along with industry leading high value and low overall TCO.
Nucleus Research:
The Value of Unit4 FP&A
Nucleus praises Unit4 as a key provider of integrated Cloud FP&A. Learn why our customers chose our solutions ahead of 19 others.
Making a real difference
Here are some examples of the concrete benefits and savings
that our customers experience by using our solutions.
Streamline and simplify
data collection
Outdated tools and siloed, incompatible systems can be a major drain on productivity and informed decision-making. Whether reporting across a group or across different departments or operations, Unit4 FP&A delivers a single, shared source-of-truth and the tools to streamline analysis, reporting and action on the insights gained.
Imagine reducing 1 week of effort, on 100 separate Excel files, down to just 30 minutes and a few clicks.
Looking for reliable data and sharper insights?
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Transform your
FP&A processes
Inefficient manual processes and legacy tools can seriously slow down the work of your teams. Unit4 FP&A streamlines processes, automating financial analysis and tedious manual tasks while freeing your teams to focus on more strategic activities.
Imagine saving 2.5 months' effort each year in FP&A processes.
Interested in smarter processes?
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Integrate planning
for better agility
It’s hard to plan and to manage risk effectively across the organization, while juggling manual, fragmented spreadsheets. Unit4 FP&A enables integrated financial and operational planning, to help budget holders administer budgets and adjust for changes.
Imagine if you could carry out budgeting and forecasting 33% faster by planning across finance and operations.
Want to speed up budgeting?
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Financial analysis tools to power the future
Discover how nuclear decommissioning organization NRS (formerly known as Magnox) is driving agile, people-centric business change with integrated Unit4 ERP, FP&A, and Talent Management platforms to bolster organization-wide transformation.
"Unit4 FP&A is a quantum step forward for the Trust. We now benefit from consistent, collaborative, and accurate planning. The automation saves about three weeks during the budget setting process. And it saves us at least one week in terms of pulling all the forecasts together."

Helpful resources
Unit4 Financial Planning & Analysis
Discover how an intelligent FP&A solution helps you harness meaningful insight for better business decisions.

Resource page:
Unit4 FP&A vs Excel
Excel is no longer an appropriate tool for a modern finance function. Unit4's cloud-based FP&A platform offers improved efficiency, collaboration and forward-thinking processes.

Imagine the savings...
Unit4 FP&A could save enough of your professionals' time to pay for itself...and much more.

Research report:
BARC x BPM Partners: Global CPM Trends
Explore the Corporate Performance Management market dynamics for 2025, with these leading research companies, and get ready for the future of CPM/EPM/FP&A.

White paper:
Move from financial planner to trusted advisor
Transform FP&A to reimagine what your finance team can do and empower them to lead the way through uncertain times.

FP&A systems to help you navigate uncertainty with agility
Watch this webinar to explore the key trends impacting financial operations and learn how modern digital tools can help finance teams identify, adapt to, and evaluate these trends as they occur.

The daily life and challenges of an FP&A analyst
FP&A analysts need help to overcome the obstacles in their way while trying to provide the most accurate forecasts to stakeholders.